
Friends and Fellow Workers of the Gospel,

It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of the Rev Alan Farley on February 8th, 2024.  For now, all ministry affairs are on hold until actions can be taken to address the future of the ministry and Coffee Wagon.  We appreciate everyone's prayers, phone calls, emails and visits during the time leading up to and following Alan's passing.  We will update this page as we have more information to share regarding the ministry. 

The obituary for Alan has been hyperlinked below for viewing.


Faith Farley

Celebrating 39 years ministering to War Between the States re-enactors

Welcome to the website of the Re-enactor's Missions for Jesus Christ (RMJC).  This site is dedicated first and foremost to the glory of Almighty God.  It stands as a tribute to the heroism of those men who comprised the ranks of the chaplaincy during the War Between the States (Civil War), and to the men and women who volunteered to relieve the suffering of the soldiers through the United States Christian Commission (USCC).  It is their to their unswerving devotion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to the missionary work they began in the 1860s that we are trying to educate and honor.

In like manner, the business of the RMJC is the spreading of the Gospel through the re-printed Civil War period Gospel tracts, the spoken word, and this website

Its members, who serve as chaplains and colporteurs, and United States Christian Commission Delegates are sent into the field, not as sham play-actors bent on pretentious historical interpretation, but as men and women of God, solidly committed to preaching, teaching and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the winning of souls among the ranks of Civil War re-enactors and enthusiasts across the United States.

As founder/director of The Re-enactor's Missions for Jesus Christ, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website.  We sincerely hope that this site will be a blessing to you. Thanks again for stopping by and we pray you will come by often.

Trying to honor our Saviour Through HIStory and Trying to Keep it Alive,

Chaplain Alan Farley, D.D.

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