Devotion for the Week of October 31, 2016 - WHO CARES FOR SOULS?


Psalm 142:4 (KJV), I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.”

A Christian was passing a big department store and followed a sudden impulse to go in and talk to the proprietor on the subject of his soul’s salvation.

Finding the store owner, he said, “Mr. Smith, I’ve talked beds, carpets, and bookcases with you, but I’ve never talked about the most important thing with you.  Would you give me a few minutes to do so?”

Being led to the store owner’s private office, the Christian took out his New Testament and showed him passage after passage which brought before that businessman his duty to accept Jesus Christ.

 Finally the tears began to roll down his cheeks, and he said to the Christian, “I’m seventy years of age.  I was born in this city.  My grandparents started this business when my father was but a lad, as a general store.  More than a hundred ministers, and more than five-hundred church members have known me as you have, to do business with, but in all those years you are the only man who ever spoke to me about my soul.”

 How many people do you do business with, work with or associate with that you have never asked the most important question, “Where will you spend eternity?”  Time is short, we need to get to work!

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