DISCLAIMER:These tracts cannot be reproduced in any form or fashion, for any reason unless you own an original or obtain permission from the RMJC, Inc. ministry through a written request. The RMJC, Inc. ministry purchases these tracts, many times at great expense, then pays to have them retype set. printed, and then mail out to be sewn or glued together. We are sorry for this but far too many people are pirating these tracts. Since we do not put a copyright mark on the tracts, so we can keep them period looking, we are being taken advantage of. Some are even making them look old and sell them as originals.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Over the last several years printing cost have gone up. Paper is climbing at a huge rate. Our printer has been absorbing the increase but can no longer do so. We have been, at the same time, absorbing the increase in printing and postage costs. It has finally come to the point where we must raise our prices to cover the increase in printing and postage. Nobody is more sorry for this than we are. We do pray you understand.
Confederate Gospel Tracts
Tracts are sold in bulk packs of 100 tracts. You can order as many as 5 different titles per 100 tracts or as little as 1 title. Please send an accompanying e-mail as to the titles you request.
We reserve the right to substitute any titles we are out of stock on. Please allow 4-6 weeks for your order especially in the Summer campaign season.
Price for each bulk of 100 tracts is $20.00
FREE Shipping in the US only
1. HOW TO BE SAVED - Ga. Bible & Colporter Society (#9)
2. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD - Confederate Tract Society (#12)
3. SOLDIER'S POCKET BIBLE - South Carolina Tract Society (#16)
4. I CANNOT CHANGE MY OWN HEART - Evangelical Tract Society (#81)
5. PROFANE SWEARING - P.E. Publication Association (#10)
7. COME TO JESUS - WJW Crowder, Tract Agent (#8)
8. WHITHER BOUND - Soldier's Tract Society (#72)
9. THE SENTINEL - Unknown
10. CONVENIENT SEASON - South Carolina Tract Society (#10)
11. WHY WILL YE DIE - Confederate Tract Society (#30)
12. THE BRAND PLUCKED FROM FIRE - South Carolina Tract Society (#114)
13. ARE YOU PREPARED - Confederate Tract Society
14. PRAYERS AND OTHER DEVOTIONS - Female Bible Prayer Book & Tract Society
15. NOAH'S CARPENTERS - Confederate Tract Society (#115)
16. STRONG CONSOLATION - Evangelical Tract Society (#120)
17. GREAT GATHERING - Soldier's Tract Society (#19)
18. SMOKE NOT - Richmond Tract Society 1861
19. SIN AND IT'S WAGES - Presbyterian Committee on Pub. (#51)
20. AN APPEAL TO YOUNG SOLDIERS - South Carolina Tract Society (#103)
21. FAITH AND ASSURANCE - Evangelical Tract Society (#30)
22. DON'T PUT IT OFF - Confederate Tract Society (#368)
23. JOY IN SORROW - Evangelical Tract Society (#70)
24. A MOTHER'S PARTING WORDS... - Confederate Soldier's Tract Society (#18)
25. A NOBLE TESTIMONY - Presbyterian Committee of Pub. (#116)
26. SUNBEAMS FOR HUMAN HEARTS - Evangelical Tract Society 1864
27. COUNTERSIGN - Soldier's Tract Society
28. ANECDOTES FOR OUR SOLDIERS - South Carolina Tract Society (#133)
29. WE PRAY FOR YOU AT HOME - Confederate Tract Society (#65)
30. IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO LIVE - Confederate Tract Society (#77)
31. COME AND WELCOME JESUS CHRIST - Evangelical Tract Society (#72)
32. CHRISTIAN SOLDIER THE TRUE HERO - South Carolina Tract Society (#131)
33. CUT IT DOWN - Evangelical Tract Society (#65)
34. THE WOUNDED SOLDIER - Soldier's Tract Society (#30)
35. RULES OF THIS FAMILY - (Union/Confed) Chas. Leroi, Printer (#20)
36. ANOTHER MAN - (Union/Confed) Drummonds Tract Depot (#91)
37. PRIVATE DEVOTIONS - Confederate Tract Society (#406)
38. THE SUBSTANCE OF THE GOSPEL - South Carolina Tract Society (#89)
39. HOW CAN I BE SAVED? - MacFarlane & Fergusson, Printers
40. IN CAMP - Soldier's Tract Society